Race #2 April 12, 2013
This was the first race of the series I was registered for. I had a good group of friends also running including Adam, my brother, Meghan and Chris, and others from DC Tri and DCCRC. I had no idea really what pace I would try to run, so I planned on running hard and beating my previous 5k time from Tri Mania - which was in fact pretty disappointing. I got caught up saying hi to Adam and some other fasties with my brother just minutes before the start. So...naturally I stayed at the front. This led to not so good things - which may have been exacerbated by the Bonk Breaker bar I ate on the way to the race. I hit the ground running and of course went out too fast as did almost everyone. Mile one came quickly but mile 2 seemed to take forever to get to. Between miles 1.5 and 2 I started having some severe stomach pains (this is what happens apparently when I eat peanut butter, almond butter and such before working out). Mile 2 finally passed and all I could think to myself was just don't walk you've only got about a mile left. I was being passed left and right and I knew my pace was falling off considerably. I was thankful to see Chris and Meghan during an out and back as I was on my way to the finish - it made me smile a bit. I couldn't have been more happy to be done with this painful race. I wasn't happy with my result and I was definitely not feeling well. Not cool Almond butter and honey bonk breaker! This was a good race to get reacquainted with the 5k and we had an awesome bro/sis and friend's dinner post race in Crystal City.
Race #3 April, 19th, 2013
The sky and the the forecast for this evening weren't great. Severe storms were expected along with strong wind gusts. I caught a ride to the race start with Adam. Since you use the same bib every race it's relatively
easy to just show up and race without having to go through any checkin process. I purposely put myself
back a bit in the starting field to try and control my pace for the first mile. My tactic worked a bit...I still went out too fast, but slower than the week before. This allowed me to not slow down as much at mile 2 and thanks to better and more conscious food choices I was home free with stomach discomfort. We started running mile 1 into a bit of a headwind - but this made for a great feeling mile 2 with a tail wind for almost the entire mile and as well as most of mile 3. As I neared mile 3 the sky was growing darker and the wind was picking up...just as I passed the beginning of the outback they began re-routing runners directly to the finish. I was happy that I did not get re routed but oi was it frustrating dodging through considerably slower runners for the final kick to the finish. I felt good finishing this race, I was passing people even up until the end and I felt as though I had pushed myself. After I finished I found Adam right away and after a brief thought of hanging around to say hi to friends we decided to escape the storm and head straight to the car as we had a big weekend ahead of us (putting on DC Tri Duathlon #2 and racing our first tri of the season on Sunday). As we headed out of the area a torrential downpour started, I'm glad I didn't run any slower!
Race #4 April 26, 2013

After the first one I thought I hated the 5k - I thought to myself give me a 10 miler any day, this 5k business just hurts too much. By the final race I was loving it and was reminded of how much I enjoy shorter, harder, efforts and seeing just how hard I can push. I also learned that when I pace or at least attempt to pace myself I perform better - though I still didn't get the hang of it and I managed to positive split every race of the series. Next year I may sign up for the series - even if I sit the first one out for Cherry Blossom it will still be the same cost or I could just run it easy. I may find some more 5ks and 10ks for the year but I am definitely looking forward to the Oly and Sprint Tri's I have on the schedule this year as well. The improvements in just the course of 3 weeks seems to be promising and motivating though I feel a bit addicted to running a 5k every Friday now.
You are so AWESOME< just love you!